Scientific thought - PDCA/SDCA
Animated Cartoon: "What's the Problem?"
A couple of weeks ago, a Wall Street Journal article covered how many folks are creating computer-generated cartoons. I thought, "Hey, I can do that!" Whether or not I should is a different matter altogether...
Well, I took a shot at a hopefully instructive animated cartoon around problem-solving and what I see as one of the biggest challenges to effective problem-solving. Let me know if any of this seems familiar.
Guest Post: 5 Reasons You Need to Do a DMAIC
John, the Production Manager of a food manufacturing plant is having a good day. At least until the Quality Manager bursts into his office: "John, I can't believe that your operators can't put a seal on a jar."
John is surprised and replies, "What are you talking about, Steve? We haven't had to put product on hold for seals for months. I told the team that they better be careful when adjusting the sealer during the change-overs after the last issue."
Working Smarter, or Just Harder? Thoughts on Standard Work.
Today's Wall Street Journal front page contained an article entitled, "Moment of Truth for Productivity Boom." The article refl
Why Bowling Charts? Trajectory Matters!
Strange name, "bowling chart," but it's a simple and powerful tool. It forces critical thinking around breakthrough objectives and facilitates typically monthly checkpoints that help drive accountability, PDCA and ultimately execution.
Check Please! Without it, PDCA and SDCA do NOT work.
The best intentioned try to apply PDCA as well as SDCA (standardize-do-check-act), but often fall far short on the check side. Of course, this means that the likelihood they will act/adjust appropriately is slim.