Our service offerings are properly and most effectively pulled by business need and integrated within an engagement. However, we recognize that, depending upon an organization’s lean maturity and/or urgent need, a company may want to access learning in discrete workshops. Virtually all of the following offerings can be provided in hands-on, in-person workshops, and many can be practiced within the context of a kaizen event to drive real business results. A large portion can also be conducted virtually. Please contact us at [email protected] if there is a desired service that is not reflected below, or if you have a question.
- Process preparation (2P) and production preparation process (3P)
- 5S and workplace organization
- Competency development coaching
- Daily kaizen
- Acquisition due diligence and transition management planning and execution
- Governance
- Kaizen event management
- Leadership alignment
- Leader behavior coaching
- Lean management system/managing for daily improvement (MDI)
- Lean maturity assessment
- Lean support office design and coaching
- Mistake proofing
- Problem solving (including A3 problem solving)
- Pull systems
- Sales and operations planning
- Setup reduction
- Strategy deployment
- Standard work
- Total productive maintenance (TPM)
- Training within industry (TWI – job relations, job methods, job instruction)
- Value stream analysis
- Visual management